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18 Nov 2022 Red Line -Another day of Infinity



Biden draws a Red Line against America

Replying to @realDonaldTrump

What is a Red Line? We need to Pray for our presidents and our nation. This move will shatter any unity in America. We all see our top Justice department attempting to destroy the will of the people to speak freely about what we see happening in our country and to destory Trump at all cost.. We all see these attacks against people who were doing what Americans should do. Hold our elected officials accountable. This line just drawn by the Biden team will go down in history as a huge mistake A red line against Americans. 11/18/22 will go down in history. #Pray4DJY

Nov 18, 2022

NBCNEWS has the red line. Again against Trump. Never before in American History and no reason for doing this

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